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Posts Tagged ‘media coverage

Media coverage of Dore closures: UPDATED

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After our 27/5/08 press release about Dore closures, there has been a significant amount of media coverage of the story. We will list what we have seen below, and add to this list as new articles come out or as we are reminded of ones we missed.

ABC have an online piece on Parkes Shire Council, and how much it may have lost with Dore going into administration.

The Sun, Times, Guardian and Independent all covered this story, as did ABC’s Life Matters (a popular national Australian radio show). You can find discussion of this coverage on the HolfordWatch and Podblack blogs.

BBCi also has a piece on the closures.

The Guardian had an article covering part of the story.

Written by oatmealts

May 29, 2008 at 7:42 pm